The World in Cushions Blog — Kenya

Trendy Bedroom Cushions Made From Locally Sourced Fabrics

  A sanctuary to escape the clamour and busyness of everyday life is what makes a bedroom significant to a home. This is where we rest our minds and relax our bodies after a long productive day, so it is only reasonable to decorate it with items that will boost the room’s comfortability. We all know that the bed and a blanket is the focal point of the bedroom, but what’s next after it? How can we add style in a bedroom’s interior without taking away the comfort of good night’s rest?     Our answer to that is cushions. Adding coherent style to your bedroom doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. With handmade cushions, you can easily bring...

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Styling your black sofa with different kinds of splendid cushions

Black signifies depth, exclusivity, and glamour. When added to a colour palette as a theme, black adds a certain level of modernism and functionality in a space. In colour psychology, black indicates mystery and sophistication. But having solely shades of black in a room can create an overwhelming impression. Some even say that those who dominantly use black as a personal motif are subconsciously trying to protect themselves from feelings, they think they cannot control. That’s somehow deep, right? Well, at this point, collaboration is the best way to go. It is the key to draw out the power of black in interior designs. Embellishing it with the suitable pop of colours will bring out a majestically styled interior! Same...

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Buddhism, Lions and the Shuka

It was in the hills of the rift valley working for a Buddhist festival that I first fell in love with the Maasai blankets or Shuka as they are called locally. I had come to Kenya as part of a motley crew of artists, designers, makers and musicians. We were to bring to life this corner of the world for the Shinnyo-en Buddhists annual fire and water festival a faction of Japanese Buddhists. I knew little of Buddhism before the trip and felt inspired by the marriage of colours and sounds of these two separate cultures. The gentle chanting with the deep purples and oranges of the Japanese’s fused with the bright reds and deep drumming of the local Samburu...

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