The World in Cushions Blog — Film

How I went from working 12-hour days and living in London to surfing perfect waves and living in Bali - in 7 steps

A story of following your dreams I know the idea of "just follow your dreams" seems like a faraway fairy tale or a bland quote found on a Pinterest board, but we can step outside societal norms, put down our phones and comparisons to curate our lives to bring us joy. All it takes is a bit of planning and a willingness to do things differently, if you read on, I will show you my personal journey of how I have achieved just that. A few years ago my life looked very different to how it does today. Today is Wednesday on the last day of November for 2022, the sun is shining and so far, I have attended a...

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At ‘The World in Cushions’ we love meeting new friends with inspiring tales to tell, here is our ‘Hug a Cushion’ Interview with Demi –

Demi Taylor is a writer, Director at Approaching Lines and Co-founder of the London Surf / Film Festival. She lives in Cornwall with her partner Chris Nelson.   What was the journey that lead you to start the London Surf / Film Festival? Chris and I met on a press trip – he was a magazine editor and I was managing the PR for the world’s largest surf brand – and the rest is history! We fell in love, packed in our desk jobs, packed up our Winnebago and headed off on a year-long road trip documenting the Atlantic coastline of Europe. We came home, scored a publishing deal, wrote our first book and we’ve been writing partners ever since....

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